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Server Application Error

2005-05-22 23:26:51
晚上打开union.itlearner.com的页面,发现如下提示: Server Application Error The server has reached the maximum recovery limit for the application during the processing of your request. Please contact the server administrator for assistance. 看来精通的这台服务器是英文版的Win2k。查了一下IIS日志,发现此时仍然记录访问页面,但会出现: Out-of-process+ISAPI+extension+has+exceeded+crash+limit.的提示。 估计是IIS满了或者满CPU限制了,但都又不像。后来又发现,htm页访问正常,就访问asp页时会有这样的提示:( 网上查了一下关于这段的解释,但没有查到最精确的... 查看详细内容 >>
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