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spool32.exe - 进程信息

【 来源:进程知识库作者:佚名 更新时间:2006-05-05 | 字体:
[导读]spool32 - spool32.exe - Process Information 进程文件: spool32 or spool32.exe进程名称: Printer Spooler 描述:spool32.exe isa part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System which deals with the spooli...

spool32 - spool32.exe - Process Information

进程文件: spool32 or spool32.exe
进程名称: Printer Spooler
spool32.exe isa part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System which deals with the spooling of Microsoft Windows print jobs. This process is only executed when this method is selected in the printers configuration properties. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminate

出品者: Microsoft Corp.
属于:Microsoft Windows Operating System

系统进程: Yes
后台程序: Yes
使用网络: No
硬件相关: No
常见错误: N/A

内存使用: N/A
安全等级 (0-5): 0

间谍软件: No
Adware: No
病毒: No
木马: No

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