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IX Web Hosting 主机使用禁止条款

【 网络作者:佚名 更新时间:2007-06-29 | 字体:
[导读]III. Prohibition of Adult ContentSubscribers of IX Web Hosting’s services are prohibited from storing or posting adult content, or links to adult content, through the subscribed service. All material...

III. Prohibition of Adult Content
Subscribers of IX Web Hosting’s services are prohibited from storing or posting adult content, or links to adult content, through the subscribed service. All material of pornographic nature is considered adult content. Online image galleries whose primary purpose is the public display of fine art or artistic mediums are not considered to be adult content.

禁止使用IX Web Hosting主机服务的订户通过已经订购的服务保管或者记录成人内容,或者链接到成人内容。所有色情类的素材被认为是成人内容。主要目的是公开展示美术或艺术的媒体的在线图库不被认为是成人内容。

VI. Prohibited Scripts and Applications
IX Web Hosting strictly prohibits the use of certain scripts such as IRC, Proxy, SSH, Telnet, or any other script which may overwhelm server resources due to the inherent nature of the script itself or by defect in the coding of the script. If a user script is found to be in violation of this clause, or is found to be overwhelming system resources, the user may be requested to remove the script, or in cases of system resource abuse, it may be removed without prior warning and/or the user account may be suspended for further review.

IX Web Hosting严格禁止使用一些脚本诸如在线聊天系统、代理服务器、SSH、Telnet、或者其他任何由于脚本本身固有性质或者由于脚本代码缺陷所致服务器资源过荷而溃的脚本。如果发现用户的脚本违反了该条款,或者发现该脚本压倒性占用系统资源,可能会要求用户移除该脚本,或者无任何事先通知而移除之,并且(或者)该用户帐户会被暂停以进一步检查。

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