

属性名 类型 必需? 缺省 描述
namestringYesn/a 段落的名称
loopmixedYesn/a 确定循环次数的值
startintegerNo0 循环开始时的索引位置。如果是赋值,那么开始位置是从数组的尾部开始计算。例如,如果循环数组里有七个值,而start为-2,那么开始的索引为5。不合法的值(取值超过了循环数组的长度)会自动被截取到最接近的合法值。
stepintegerNo1 step值用来在循环数组中遍历。例如,step=2将循环在索引0,2,4上。如果step为负值,循环从数组的结尾向前进行。
maxintegerNon/a 设置循环最多执行几次。
showbooleanNoTRUE 指定是否要显示本section

例子7-30. 用{section}循环一个简单数组


= array(1000,1001,1002);


{* 本例将打印出$custid数组的所有值 *}
{section name=customer loop=$custid}
  id: {$custid[customer]}<br />
<hr />
{*  逆序打印所有$custid数组中的值 *}
{section name=foo loop=$custid step=-1}
  {$custid[foo]}<br />


id: 1000<br />
id: 1001<br />
id: 1002<br />
<hr />
id: 1002<br />
id: 1001<br />
id: 1000<br />

例子7-31. 不带数组赋值的{section}

{section name=foo start=10 loop=20 step=2}
<hr />
{section name=bar loop=21 max=6 step=-2}


10 12 14 16 18
<hr />
20 18 16 14 12 10

例子7-32. 命名一个{section}


{section name=anything loop=$myArray}

例子7-33. 用{section}循环一个关联数组


= array(
'name' => 'John Smith''home' => '555-555-5555',
'cell' => '666-555-5555''email' => 'john@myexample.com'),
'name' => 'Jack Jones''home' => '777-555-5555',
'cell' => '888-555-5555''email' => 'jack@myexample.com'),
'name' => 'Jane Munson''home' => '000-555-5555',
'cell' => '123456''email' => 'jane@myexample.com')


{section name=customer loop=$contacts}
  name: {$contacts[customer].name}<br />
  home: {$contacts[customer].home}<br />
  cell: {$contacts[customer].cell}<br />
  e-mail: {$contacts[customer].email}


  name: John Smith<br />
  home: 555-555-5555<br />
  cell: 666-555-5555<br />
  e-mail: john@myexample.com
  name: Jack Jones<br />
  home phone: 777-555-5555<br />
  cell phone: 888-555-5555<br />
  e-mail: jack@myexample.com
  name: Jane Munson<br />
  home phone: 000-555-5555<br />
  cell phone: 123456<br />
  e-mail: jane@myexample.com

例子7-34. 展示{section}的loop变量



= array(1001,1002,1003);

$fullnames = array('John Smith','Jack Jones','Jane Munson');

$addr = array('253 Abbey road''417 Mulberry ln''5605 apple st');



{section name=customer loop=$custid}
  id: {$custid[customer]}<br />
  name: {$name[customer]}<br />
  address: {$address[customer]}


  id: 1000<br />
  name: John Smith<br />
  address: 253 Abbey road
  id: 1001<br />
  name: Jack Jones<br />
  address: 417 Mulberry ln
  id: 1002<br />
  name: Jane Munson<br />
  address: 5605 apple st

例子7-35. 嵌套的{section}



= array(1001,1002,1003);

$fullnames = array('John Smith','Jack Jones','Jane Munson');

$addr = array('253 N 45th''417 Mulberry ln''5605 apple st');

$types = array(
'home phone''cell phone''e-mail'),
'home phone''web'),
'cell phone')

$info = array(



{section name=customer loop=$custid}
  id: {$custid[customer]}<br />
  name: {$name[customer]}<br />
  address: {$address[customer]}<br />
  {section name=contact loop=$contact_type[customer]}
    {$contact_type[customer][contact]}: {$contact_info[customer][contact]}<br />


  id: 1000<br />
  name: John Smith<br />
  address: 253 N 45th<br />
    home phone: 555-555-5555<br />
    cell phone: 666-555-5555<br />
    e-mail: john@myexample.com<br />
  id: 1001<br />
  name: Jack Jones<br />
  address: 417 Mulberry ln<br />
    home phone: 123-456-4<br />
    web: www.example.com<br />
  id: 1002<br />
  name: Jane Munson<br />
  address: 5605 apple st<br />
    cell phone: 0457878<br />

例子7-36. 带有{sectionelse}的数据库例子


'select id, name, home, cell, email from contacts '
."where name like '$foo%' ";


{section name=co loop=$contacts}
    <td><a href="view.php?id={$contacts[co].id}">view<a></td>
  <tr><td colspan="5">No items found</td></tr>


    index包含但前数组的索引,起始为0或者start 属性如果指定的话)。它每次循环增加1或者step值(如果指定的话)。


例子7-37. {section}索引属性

FYI: $custid[customer.index]$custid[customer]的含义是一样的。

{section name=customer loop=$custid}
  {$smarty.section.customer.index} id: {$custid[customer]}<br />


0 id: 1000<br />
1 id: 1001<br />
2 id: 1002<br />





例子7-38. indexindex_nextindex_prev属性

= array(1001,1002,1003,1004,1005);


{* $rows[row.index]和$rows[row]的含义是一样的 *}
{section name=row loop=$rows}


index  id    index_prev prev_id index_next next_id
0      1001  -1	                1          1002
1      1002  0          1001    2          1003
2      1003  1          1002    3          1004
3      1004  2          1003    4          1005
4      1005  3          1004    5




例子7-39. section的iteration属性

// array of 3000 to 3015
$id range(3000,3015);


{section name=cu loop=$arr start=5 step=2}
  id={$custid[cu]}<br />


iteration=1 index=5 id=3005<br />
iteration=2 index=7 id=3007<br />
iteration=3 index=9 id=3009<br />
iteration=4 index=11 id=3011<br />
iteration=5 index=13 id=3013<br />
iteration=6 index=15 id=3015<br />


{section name=co loop=$contacts}
  {if $smarty.section.co.iteration % 5 == 1}
    <td><a href="view.php?id={$contacts[co].id}">view<a></td>





例子7-40. {section}属性:firstlast


{section name=customer loop=$customers}
  {if $smarty.section.customer.first}


  {if $smarty.section.customer.last}
    <tr><td></td><td>{$smarty.section.customer.total} customers</td></tr>





例子7-41. {section}属性:loop

{section name=customer loop=$custid}
  {$smarty.section.customer.index} id: {$custid[customer]}<br />
There are {$smarty.section.customer.loop} customers shown above.


0 id: 1000<br />
1 id: 1001<br />
2 id: 1002<br />
There are 3 customers shown above.



例子7-42. show属性


{section name=customer loop=$customers show=$show_customer_info}
  {$smarty.section.customer.rownum} id: {$customers[customer]}<br />

{if $smarty.section.customer.show}
  the section was shown.
  the section was not shown.


1 id: 1000<br />
2 id: 1001<br />
3 id: 1002<br />

the section was shown.



例子7-43. total属性例子

{section name=customer loop=$custid step=2}
  {$smarty.section.customer.index} id: {$custid[customer]}<br />
   There are {$smarty.section.customer.total} customers shown above.
