
is_cached() -- returns true if there is a valid cache for this template


bool is_cached ( string template [, string cache_id [, string compile_id]])

Technical Note: If is_cached() returns TRUE it actually loads the cached output and stores it internally. Any subsequent call to display() or fetch() will return this internally stored output and does not try to reload the cache file. This prevents a race condition that may occur when a second process clears the cache between the calls to is_cached() and to display() in the example above. This also means calls to clear_cache() and other changes of the cache-settings may have no effect after is_cached() returned TRUE.

Example 13-1. is_cached()

->caching true;

$smarty->is_cached('index.tpl')) {
// do database calls, assign vars here


Example 13-2. is_cached() with multiple-cache template

->caching true;

$smarty->is_cached('index.tpl''FrontPage')) {
// do database calls, assign vars here


See also clear_cache(), clear_all_cache(), and caching section.