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【 网络 更新时间:2010-05-17 | 字体:
[导读]  除非你最近在一个荒岛上,否则你不可能不知道,数据仓库/分析/商务智能( BI )领域正在飞速发展。许多年前,当行业分析师群体调查CIO最优先考虑的事时,BI排第十位 。然而,他于2006年跃升到了第二位,今天,根据...

  Kicking the Tires


  mysql> create table t (c1 int) engine=brighthouse;

  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

  mysql> insert into t values (1), (2), (3);

  Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.16 sec)

  Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

  mysql> select * from t;


  | c1 |


  | 1 |

  | 2 |

  | 3 |


  3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  所以,现在进入实际测试:我用作下面查询的模型是一个标准的数据仓库星型模型(代表汽车销售数据库) ,可用如下数据模型描述:



  | table_name | engine | table_rows | data_length |


  | fact_sales5 | BRIGHTHOUSE | 8080000000 | 135581094511 |

  | fact_sales | BRIGHTHOUSE | 1000000000 | 16789624027 |

  | fact_sales1b | BRIGHTHOUSE | 1000000000 | 17424704919 |

  | mthly_sales_by_dealer_make | BRIGHTHOUSE | 4207788 | 43958330 |

  | dim_vins | BRIGHTHOUSE | 2800013 | 15251819 |

  | dim_sales_area | BRIGHTHOUSE | 32765 | 302326 |

  | dim_dates | BRIGHTHOUSE | 4017 | 9511 |

  | dim_dealers | BRIGHTHOUSE | 1000 | 9631 |

  | dim_dealers2 | BRIGHTHOUSE | 1000 | 10222 |

  | dim_cars | BRIGHTHOUSE | 400 | 4672 |

  | dim_msa | BRIGHTHOUSE | 371 | 3527 |

  | tt | BRIGHTHOUSE | 1 | 193 |


  12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  | sum(data_length) |


  | 169854973688 |


  1 row in set (0.01 sec)

  上述表明了几个相当大的实表,每个都有10亿行,一个更大的历史实表超过80亿行,一个中型汇总表( 400万行) ,以及一定数量的维数表,其大小是相当小的(除280万行dim_vins表) 。数据库的总物理大小几乎是170GB ,但实际原始数据的大小是1TB,所以你可以看到在Infobright压缩操作中,它做到了它所承诺的。


  mysql> select count(*) from fact_sales5;


  | count(*) |


  | 8080000000 |


  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

  mysql> select count(*) from fact_sales;


  | count(*) |


  | 1000000000 |


  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

  请注意, Infobright响应时间就像MyISAM全表做COUNT(*)查询的时间;知识网格知道每个表有多少行,因此你不会浪费时间等待此种查询的答复。


  mysql> select sum(dlr_trans_amt)

  -> from fact_sales a, dim_cars b

  -> where a.make_id = b.make_id and

  -> b.make_name = 'ACURA' and

  -> b.model_name = 'MDX' and

  -> trans_date between '2007-01-01' and '2007-01-31';


  | sum(dlr_trans_amt) |


  | 11264027726 |


  1 row in set (24.98 sec)

  Not too bad at all. But now let’s put the knowledge grid / data packs to the test and see how big a dent in our response time we get by adding eight times more data to the mix:


  mysql> select sum(dlr_trans_amt)

  -> from fact_sales5 a, dim_cars b

  -> where a.make_id = b.make_id and

  -> b.make_name = 'ACURA' and

  -> b.model_name = 'MDX' and

  -> trans_date between '2007-01-01' and '2007-01-31';


  | sum(dlr_trans_amt) |


  | 11264027726 |


  1 row in set (27.20 sec)

  非常棒! Infobright能-再次-只审查所需的数据包,并排除所有其他数据,那些他并不需要查找以满足我们的查询,对整体的响应时间并没有真正实际的影响(运行相同的查询但实际上用比第一次查询更小的表) 。

  现在,让我们测试,在某些情况下能使普通MySQL服务器瘫痪的查询, -嵌套子查询:

  mysql> select avg(dlr_trans_amt)

  -> from fact_sales

  -> where trans_date between '2007-01-01' and '2007-12-31' and

  -> dlr_trans_type = 'SALE' and make_id =

  -> (select make_id

  -> from dim_cars

  -> where make_name = 'ASTON MARTIN' and

  -> model_name = 'DB7') and

  -> sales_area_id in

  -> (select sales_area_id

  -> from dim_sales_area

  -> where sales_state =

  -> (select dealer_state

  -> from dim_dealers

  -> where dealer_name like 'BHUTANI%'));


  | avg(dlr_trans_amt) |


  | 45531.444471505 |


  1 row in set (50.78 sec)

  Infobright plows through the data just fine. What about UNION statements – oftentimes these can cause response issues with MySQL. Let’s try both fact tables this time:


  mysql> (select avg(dlr_trans_amt), avg(sales_commission), avg(sales_discount)

  -> from fact_sales

  -> where trans_date between '2007-01-01' and '2007-01-31')

  -> union all

  -> (select avg(dlr_trans_amt), avg(sales_commission), avg(sales_discount)

  -> from fact_sales

  -> where trans_date between '2007-02-01' and '2007-02-28');


  | avg(dlr_trans_amt) | avg(sales_commission) | avg(sales_discount) |


  | 45550.1568209903 | 5.39966 | 349.50289769532 |

  | 45549.5774942714 | 5.39976 | 349.498835301098 |


  2 rows in set (0.49 sec)

  mysql> (select avg(dlr_trans_amt), avg(sales_commission), avg(sales_discount)

  -> from fact_sales5

  -> where trans_date between '2007-01-01' and '2007-01-31')

  -> union all

  -> (select avg(dlr_trans_amt), avg(sales_commission), avg(sales_discount)

  -> from fact_sales5

  -> where trans_date between '2007-02-01' and '2007-02-28');


  | avg(dlr_trans_amt) | avg(sales_commission) | avg(sales_discount) |


  | 45550.1568209903 | 5.39966 | 349.50289769532 |

  | 45549.5774942714 | 5.39976 | 349.498835301098 |


  2 rows in set (0.75 sec)

  It appears the UNION’s were satisfied via knowledge grid access alone. Next, let’s try a few joins coupled with a having clause and ask for the average Ashton Martin dealer transaction amounts over one year for dealers in the state of Indiana:


  mysql> select fact.dealer_id,

  -> avg(fact.dlr_trans_amt)

  -> from fact_sales fact

  -> inner join dim_cars cars on (fact.make_id = cars.make_id)

  -> inner join dim_sales_area sales on

  -> (fact.sales_area_id = sales.sales_area_id)

  -> where fact.trans_date between '2007-01-01' and '2007-12-31' and

  -> fact.dlr_trans_type = 'SALE' and

  -> cars.make_name = 'ASTON MARTIN' and

  -> cars.model_name = 'DB7' and

  -> sales.sales_state = 'IN'

  -> group by fact.dealer_id

  -> having avg(fact.dlr_trans_amt) > 50000

  -> order by fact.dealer_id desc;




  | 2 | 51739.181818182 |

  | 1 | 57964.8 |


  317 rows in set (50.66 sec)


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